All India IDBI Bank SC ST & OBC Officers & Employees Welfare Association

Objectives of the Association

Main Objectives

  • Promote and safeguard educational and economic interests of SC, ST, and OBC officers and employees and protect them from social injustices and all forms of exploitation.
  • Enlighten members about their official rights, duties, and responsibilities.
  • Ensure all entitled benefits as per constitutional provisions and government directives/circulars are given to its members by the Bank.
  • Secure adequate representation for SC, ST, and OBC persons in the Bank at all cadres, posts, and designations in officer grades.
  • Ensure proper placement and posting of SC, ST, and OBC officers and employees of the Bank.
  • Protect the issue of foreign postings for SC, ST, and OBC officers and provide training at national and international levels.
  • Implement reservation policy in the Bank and its subsidiaries.
  • Ensure that liaison officers of the Bank (SC, ST, and OBC) are regularly rotated to ensure transparency.

Other Objectives

  • Promote social, economic, educational, and cultural welfare of the public in general and its members in particular.
  • Undertake programs for celebrating birthdays/death anniversaries of national leaders and assist the Bank in implementing CSR policy/sponsorship programs.
  • Collect and disseminate information regarding employment opportunities.
  • Organize social get-togethers and promote social solidarity among members.
  • Update knowledge regarding SC, ST, and OBC guidelines and follow up with SC, ST, and OBC Commissions and parliamentary committees.
  • Regularly meet with officials of various ministries, commissions, and parliamentary committee members for the upliftment of SC, ST, and OBC employees of the Bank.
  • Participate in seminars and forums at regional, national, and international levels convened by various government/private organizations, including the banking industry.
  • Ensure that the Bank deputes SC, ST, and OBC officers and employees for local, national, and international training programs, seminars, and related activities.

Activities of the Association

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